Jan 29th

This pic is on the side of the Molson Canadian brewery. It is located at the foot of the Burrard St Bridge, just entering Kitsilano.

I wanted to capture this pic once it was completed...so here it is!

This displays Canadian spirit, and just in time for the games to begin.

The coolest thing about this mural though....is that the full picture is made up of little pics of people's faces. You could submit a pic to Molson Cdn to be part of this Olympic moment.


Jan 28th

Was out early again this morning. Went for a walk around the neighbourhood & the beach.

This "swimming lady" is down by the Kits pool.
I have always liked to watch it.
The harder the wind blows, the faster she swims!

Jan 27th

WHY Oh WHY do you wake me?

The damn gulls were having a screaming match in my alley this AM.

I was wide awake @ 7am. Not very common for me. haha. Between the gulls & the crows & the binners in the alley I get woken up early at least twice a week :(

*shrug* what can ya do? Thought I would at least try to make it interesting for myself, and went for a walk & captured some pics. Here is one of the little bastards now.....

Jan 26th

Walked to work today. Was nice, weather wise.

Stopped along the way to take a few shots.
This is downtown on Nelson st.

Old vs. New

Jan 25th

monday *blah*

Pic from the walk I went on today.

It is funny that in JANUARY the blossoms have started already. I can't believe it. really. Spring is here. weird.


After work.

Got to go out for a 2nd night in a row. I luv that! Met up with a friend @ a place in trendy Yaletown, down by work.

Met Wendy for a pint & a bite & some pool. Yaletown Brew brews all thier own beers, and it is a tasty treat.


Got to go out for dinner with an old friend!

Joy took me out to dinner for a late celebration of my b-day. We went and had Greek food on Davie St.

There is a place that everyone loves for Greek food. It is called Stepho's and there is ALWAYS a line up because you can't really make reservations.

Anyway, Joy & I enjoyed our meal and our glass of wine. good food, good company.

Jan 22nd

Friday. And it was actually nice today!

Pic around Kits again. one of my days off.....

Jan 21st

More rain :(

Most Vancouver-ites don't seem to mind it.

Just another random pic in my day. Cheery umbrella colors caught my eye.

Jan 20th

Happy Day! Day off from work. Just random...

This pic was blurred on purpose, I was trying to make the lights of the ski hill twinkle. Oh well....

The big talk around Van & BC is will we have enough snow for the Olympics!!??? I guess we will all have to wait & see.

"They" say they have a bunch of snow stock-piled up in the top of the mountains, waiting to be trucked and flown by helicopter to the event venues, just in case of emergency.

Jan 19th

Did some shopping before work today.
Not much else to say about that.....pic self-explanatory.

Jan 18th

Gray Gray go away!

A slight sliver of blue sky opening up on an otheriwse blah day.
Hope for a blue sky tomorrow.

This is another pic of downtown around my work area.

Jan 17th

Vancouver. Sunday. Grey Skies. Library downtown.

There are always tons of people & tourists taking photos of our library downtown on Georgia St
It is a pretty cool building actually. The structure of it is quite different.

Jan 16th

Right now, the news is littered with terrible images & inconceivable dis-order. Can't imagine how much more those people can endure. Can't get away from all the images.
Today we learned that more Canadians were found, and the kids from BC are being sent back home!
I wanted to take a couple pics of our new CBC station downtown Van, in it's new location.

Is life just a lottery? I lucked out with where I was born?
This notion shakes me to the core, and all I can do is donate and hope it actually gets there.

Jan 15th

Another gray day in Vangroovy, or shall I call it Raincouver?
Either way, This pic was just around the neighborhood again on my day off.

Bird on a wire.
or birdS....they take over when they fly in.

Ho hum pic for a ho hum day :)


Just out taking pics on my day off.

Taking a photo like this makes me very very thankful for the country I live in. Especially after watching some coverage of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti.

This is down by the beach, about 2 feet away from the street I live on :)

Jan 13th

Wednesday is my Friday...
Another pic from around my office. yet another work day, and yet another construction site.
There so many these days in Van.

Up goes another high rise....

When you look into the massive hole they have made it makes you feel a tad dizzy, but the illusion of saftey (the fence) helps.

Jan 12th

Another day @ work.....

This is when I was about to sit down & check my many e-mails, and of course get myself all hemped up on caffiene. YUM. Timmy's. They have put a new one by my work.

Boring pic. but such was my day.....
Wish I was in Cabo, like my pic screensaver. *sigh*

Jan 11th

Wanted to get a couple shots of this well known x-mas sight in downtown Vancouver, before they take it down.
This is the front of St. Paul's hospital, and they do it up in full blown lights every year.
When I first moved here, back 5 years ago, I thought it was somewhat of an eyesore. Now I kind of look forward to seeing it every year.
The part with the red stars is a staging set up in front of one of the entrances, it is cool cuz you get to walk through a kind of tunnel of lights to enter the hospital.
I love christmas lights, even in the rain :)

Jan 10th

New artwork for my pad!

This painting was found last month in a pile, from the building beside my work. The pile was getting ready to become trash! Can you believe it?
I was immediately drawn to this painting, so I claimed it for my own and took it home.

Today is the day I hung it up! It is now on the wall of my bedroom. Thought I would take a pic!

Maybe this little photo project will be good for more things than I thought...less procrastinating? could that be possible?

Jan 9th

Second day. Why not try a self portrait?

This is the first time I used the timer on my camera. The whole pic looks a bit off, I had it sitting on something that was NOT a tri-pod! LOL. And of course not with the best background. Perhaps my 2nd attempt @ a self shot I will choose a better background than the hallway of my little Apt.

So, here is SP sporting her new Olympic gear, ready for the 2010 games!

Go Canada Go!

Jan 8th - First day

First Day - My B-Day!

Went Skating @ an outdoor rink, downtown Van.
It is actually partially covered, looks as though you are going underground to a skytrain station or something. The city has just got this up and running again, and the vancouver-ites seem to be enjoying it :)

This is quite the thing here, having an outdoor rink in this climate! fun stuff!